Zomato co-founder Gaurav Gupta has resigned from the company weeks after the successful stock market debut of the company. Gaurav Gupta, who joined the food delivery behemoth six years ago, was designated as the co-founder of the company in 2019. He was heading the supply function at Zomato. “I am taking a new turn in my life and will be starting a new chapter, taking a lot from this defining chapter of my life — the last 6 years at Zomato,” Gaurav Gupta wrote in an email sent to Zomato colleagues.
Zomato co-founder Gaurav Gupta has resigned from the company weeks after the successful stock market debut of the company. Gaurav Gupta, who joined the food delivery behemoth six years ago, was designated as the co-founder of the company in 2019. He was heading the supply function at Zomato. “I am taking a new turn in my life and will be starting a new chapter, taking a lot from this defining chapter of my life — the last 6 years at Zomato,” Gaurav Gupta wrote in an email sent to Zomato colleagues.