Instagram announced a change to its "Stories" feature which will allow users to instantly repost a "Story" they are tagged in, as theirs. "When someone mentions you in their story, you receive a notification in your 'Direct message' thread with that person. Now you'll see an option to add that content to your own story," Instagram wrote in a blog post late on Thursday. The feature "@mention Sharing" only applies to public accounts and is available as part of Instagram version 48 on Android and iOS.
The original poster's username will appear automatically when a "Story" is reposted on a different account.
Instagram announced a change to its "Stories" feature which will allow users to instantly repost a "Story" they are tagged in, as theirs. "When someone mentions you in their story, you receive a notification in your 'Direct message' thread with that person. Now you'll see an option to add that content to your own story," Instagram wrote in a blog post late on Thursday. The feature "@mention Sharing" only applies to public accounts and is available as part of Instagram version 48 on Android and iOS.
The original poster's username will appear automatically when a "Story" is reposted on a different account.