Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is addressing a public meeting of ruling Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) in densely populated residential area Prabhat Chowk in western Ahmedabad today evening. The public meeting is taking place on a road in rich presence of party cadres and general public. The public meeting is taking place in Gandhinagar Lok Sabha constituency. BJP national president Amit Shah is going to contest from Gandhinagar seat. Among those present in frontal chairs in audience is Amit Shah’s son Jay. State party president Jitu Vaghani formally announced that Shah would file nomination on March 30th for Gandhinagar seat.The party will demonstrate its strength by holding a rally on this occasion.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is addressing a public meeting of ruling Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) in densely populated residential area Prabhat Chowk in western Ahmedabad today evening. The public meeting is taking place on a road in rich presence of party cadres and general public. The public meeting is taking place in Gandhinagar Lok Sabha constituency. BJP national president Amit Shah is going to contest from Gandhinagar seat. Among those present in frontal chairs in audience is Amit Shah’s son Jay. State party president Jitu Vaghani formally announced that Shah would file nomination on March 30th for Gandhinagar seat.The party will demonstrate its strength by holding a rally on this occasion.