Xiaomi has achieved unflinching success and today, Xiaomi is the top smartphone vendor in the country’s online market with a 57 per cent share in the first quarter of 2018 while Samsung and the Huawei brand Honor tail behind. At the helm of the torque that has driven Xiaomi’s sales in India is its India Managing Director and Global Vice President, Manu Kumar Jain. While Jain plans to manufacture 100 per cent PCBs in India by September this year – after having already started PCB manufacturing in Tamil Nadu, he is pinning hopes on an addition of as many as 50,000 job opportunities in the smartphone manufacturing sector in India with an added investment of over 15,000 crore rupees from various players. This will not only bring in a huge surge in the employment rate in India but also be a crucial milestone in Xiaomi India’s coming prospects.
Xiaomi has achieved unflinching success and today, Xiaomi is the top smartphone vendor in the country’s online market with a 57 per cent share in the first quarter of 2018 while Samsung and the Huawei brand Honor tail behind. At the helm of the torque that has driven Xiaomi’s sales in India is its India Managing Director and Global Vice President, Manu Kumar Jain. While Jain plans to manufacture 100 per cent PCBs in India by September this year – after having already started PCB manufacturing in Tamil Nadu, he is pinning hopes on an addition of as many as 50,000 job opportunities in the smartphone manufacturing sector in India with an added investment of over 15,000 crore rupees from various players. This will not only bring in a huge surge in the employment rate in India but also be a crucial milestone in Xiaomi India’s coming prospects.