Xiaomi, which has focused primarily on smartphones, now wants to compete with Samsung and Sony in the TV market in India as well. Its latest top-of-the-line Mi LED Smart TV 4 has a jumbo-sized 55-inch panel, complete with 4K resolution and HDR10 support. The 4K set is “smart” too, and it features Xiaomi’s custom PatchWall user interface built on the top of Android, that’s been tailored for the Indian market.
The Mi LED Smart TV will available starting today on Flipkart, Mi.com and Mi Home stores for Rs 39,999. Xiaomi provided the review unit days ahead of the official availability, and here’s what I think about the Mi LED Smart TV 4.
Xiaomi Mi LED Smart TV 4 specifications: 55-inch (3480×2160) display|4K resolution| HDR10|64-bit quad-core processor, up to 1.8GHz| Mali-T830 MP2 GPU, up to 750MHz| 2GB RAM|8GB internal memory|Dolby Audio/DTS-HD|Bluetooth 4.0|Wi-Fi|Ethernet| 3 HDMI ports (one with Audio Return Channel)|2 USB ports|S/PDIF out| AV out|PatchWall UI (based on Android Open Source Platform)|Remote control
Xiaomi Mi LED Smart TV 4 price in India: Rs 39,999
Xiaomi, which has focused primarily on smartphones, now wants to compete with Samsung and Sony in the TV market in India as well. Its latest top-of-the-line Mi LED Smart TV 4 has a jumbo-sized 55-inch panel, complete with 4K resolution and HDR10 support. The 4K set is “smart” too, and it features Xiaomi’s custom PatchWall user interface built on the top of Android, that’s been tailored for the Indian market.
The Mi LED Smart TV will available starting today on Flipkart, Mi.com and Mi Home stores for Rs 39,999. Xiaomi provided the review unit days ahead of the official availability, and here’s what I think about the Mi LED Smart TV 4.
Xiaomi Mi LED Smart TV 4 specifications: 55-inch (3480×2160) display|4K resolution| HDR10|64-bit quad-core processor, up to 1.8GHz| Mali-T830 MP2 GPU, up to 750MHz| 2GB RAM|8GB internal memory|Dolby Audio/DTS-HD|Bluetooth 4.0|Wi-Fi|Ethernet| 3 HDMI ports (one with Audio Return Channel)|2 USB ports|S/PDIF out| AV out|PatchWall UI (based on Android Open Source Platform)|Remote control
Xiaomi Mi LED Smart TV 4 price in India: Rs 39,999