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Added on : 2024-07-15 16:43:40

Wholesale inflation in the country surged to a 16-month high of 3.36 per cent in June on account of rise in prices of food articles, especially vegetables and manufactured items. This was the fourth consecutive month when inflation witnessed an upward journey. 

As per the data, inflation in food articles rose 10.87 per cent in June, as against 9.82 per cent in May.

Inflation in vegetables was 38.76 per cent during June, up from 32.42 per cent in May. Onion inflation was at 93.35 per cent, while potato was 66.37 per cent in the month under review. Pulses inflation rose 21.64 per cent in June.

During the month, inflation in other food items like fruits stood at 10.14 per cent, cereals at 9.27 per cent, and milk at 3.37 per cent.

Editor & Publisher : Dr Dhimant Purohit


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