You may call it “women led empowerment,” as PM Narendra Modi puts it. Sushama Midde, Uber’s only woman driver partner in Bengal circle. As per the IE report, the 30-year-old woman, a resident of Belur in Bengal’s Howrah district is steering a new chapter for commercial drivers in the city where female commercial drivers are still rare. In the historic neighbourhood of Belur, tourist buses, rental cars and rickshaws jostle with each other to move around the thousands of devotees from around the globe. Cutting through the traffic, Midde tries to make her way to the main gate of Belur Math for her first booking of the day. With nearly 15 rides a day, Midde’s career as a cab driver has been smooth so far. Usually passengers are pleasantly surprised to have a woman driver, that too in Kolkata. Often a little embarrassed, she asks them not to get too excited. But many say that while they’ve heard about women drivers, they have finally driven with one.
You may call it “women led empowerment,” as PM Narendra Modi puts it. Sushama Midde, Uber’s only woman driver partner in Bengal circle. As per the IE report, the 30-year-old woman, a resident of Belur in Bengal’s Howrah district is steering a new chapter for commercial drivers in the city where female commercial drivers are still rare. In the historic neighbourhood of Belur, tourist buses, rental cars and rickshaws jostle with each other to move around the thousands of devotees from around the globe. Cutting through the traffic, Midde tries to make her way to the main gate of Belur Math for her first booking of the day. With nearly 15 rides a day, Midde’s career as a cab driver has been smooth so far. Usually passengers are pleasantly surprised to have a woman driver, that too in Kolkata. Often a little embarrassed, she asks them not to get too excited. But many say that while they’ve heard about women drivers, they have finally driven with one.