39-year-old woman who dared to visit the Ayyappa shrine at Kerala's Sabarimala in defiance of religous customs earlier this month was not allowed into her in-laws' house on Tuesday. The incident occurred nearly a week after Kanaka Durga's mother-in-law allegedly assaulted her, following which she had to be admitted to the Kozhikode Medical College.
Kanaka Durga filed a complaint with the District Violence Protection Officer after her in-laws locked her out of the house.
39-year-old woman who dared to visit the Ayyappa shrine at Kerala's Sabarimala in defiance of religous customs earlier this month was not allowed into her in-laws' house on Tuesday. The incident occurred nearly a week after Kanaka Durga's mother-in-law allegedly assaulted her, following which she had to be admitted to the Kozhikode Medical College.
Kanaka Durga filed a complaint with the District Violence Protection Officer after her in-laws locked her out of the house.