Speaking at an event in the city, Makkal Needhi Maiam leader actor-turned-political Kamal Haasan said, “Hold a plebiscite and make people talk. Why have they not conducted it? What are they scared of?”. “In Azad Kashmir (Pakistan-occupied Kashmir), they are using jihadis’ pictures in trains to portray them as heroes. That is a foolish thing to do. India also behaves with an equal amount of foolishness. It's not fair. If we want to prove that India is a far better country, then we should not behave like this. There begins the politics, their beings the new political culture,” he said.
"Why do soldiers die? Why should those guarding our home die? If both sides (India and Pakistan) behave properly, no soldier needs to die. The Line of Control will be under control." While putting out a clarification, Kamal Haasan said his comments on plebiscite were in the context of a magazine he edited decades ago. The statement said the party believed entire Kashmir is an integral part of India. “Our president and our party stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the armed forces in this hour of grief.”
Speaking at an event in the city, Makkal Needhi Maiam leader actor-turned-political Kamal Haasan said, “Hold a plebiscite and make people talk. Why have they not conducted it? What are they scared of?”. “In Azad Kashmir (Pakistan-occupied Kashmir), they are using jihadis’ pictures in trains to portray them as heroes. That is a foolish thing to do. India also behaves with an equal amount of foolishness. It's not fair. If we want to prove that India is a far better country, then we should not behave like this. There begins the politics, their beings the new political culture,” he said.
"Why do soldiers die? Why should those guarding our home die? If both sides (India and Pakistan) behave properly, no soldier needs to die. The Line of Control will be under control." While putting out a clarification, Kamal Haasan said his comments on plebiscite were in the context of a magazine he edited decades ago. The statement said the party believed entire Kashmir is an integral part of India. “Our president and our party stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the armed forces in this hour of grief.”