WhatsApp has simplified the lives people around the world. The Facebook owned messaging platform continuously adds features and keeps on updating the app to simplify the overall user experience. However, people are not aware of all the features of WhatsApp and some important features have remained under-utilised or hidden.
Listen to WhatsApp Voice messages privately: To listen to the voice note privately, just hit the Play button on the message and immediately hold your phone up to your ear. WhatsApp is intelligent enough to detect that your phone is up against your head, and it will automatically switch and play the message through the phone's earpiece instead of the speaker.
Share WhatsApp Status as a Facebook Story: WhatsApp now lets you share your WhatsApp status as a Facebook story. Tap Status on WhatsApp and create a 'Status update'. My status, tap Share to Facebook Story. If prompted, tap Allow or Open to open the Facebook app. In the Facebook app, select the audience you want to share with, then tap Share Now.
Stylise your text: In the mood for some art? Well, you can add some style -- or highlights -- to your messages using bold, italics, and strike-thrus. For e.g. *Hi * for bold, _Hi _ for italics and ~Hi ~ for strike-thrus.
Email chat: To all the Sherlock out there, this one's for you. You can email an entire chat conversation on WhatsApp. This can be done by Email chat option.
WhatsApp's built-in GIF tool: WhatsApp comes with a built-in GIF tool that lets you send videos recorded by WhatsApp's in-app camera to others. To use this feature, the user can just record a video and select the GIF icon on the top right corner. The user can also set the duration of the clip for your GIF.
Find out your closest friend: You can have hundreds of people in your friend list but there's always that one person you chat with the most. There is a mystery trick that will help you to find that special friend by ranking them according to the amount of data you've burned up for them. Visit Settings> Data and storage usage>Storage usage to see the list of people or groups you message the most.
WhatsApp has simplified the lives people around the world. The Facebook owned messaging platform continuously adds features and keeps on updating the app to simplify the overall user experience. However, people are not aware of all the features of WhatsApp and some important features have remained under-utilised or hidden.
Listen to WhatsApp Voice messages privately: To listen to the voice note privately, just hit the Play button on the message and immediately hold your phone up to your ear. WhatsApp is intelligent enough to detect that your phone is up against your head, and it will automatically switch and play the message through the phone's earpiece instead of the speaker.
Share WhatsApp Status as a Facebook Story: WhatsApp now lets you share your WhatsApp status as a Facebook story. Tap Status on WhatsApp and create a 'Status update'. My status, tap Share to Facebook Story. If prompted, tap Allow or Open to open the Facebook app. In the Facebook app, select the audience you want to share with, then tap Share Now.
Stylise your text: In the mood for some art? Well, you can add some style -- or highlights -- to your messages using bold, italics, and strike-thrus. For e.g. *Hi * for bold, _Hi _ for italics and ~Hi ~ for strike-thrus.
Email chat: To all the Sherlock out there, this one's for you. You can email an entire chat conversation on WhatsApp. This can be done by Email chat option.
WhatsApp's built-in GIF tool: WhatsApp comes with a built-in GIF tool that lets you send videos recorded by WhatsApp's in-app camera to others. To use this feature, the user can just record a video and select the GIF icon on the top right corner. The user can also set the duration of the clip for your GIF.
Find out your closest friend: You can have hundreds of people in your friend list but there's always that one person you chat with the most. There is a mystery trick that will help you to find that special friend by ranking them according to the amount of data you've burned up for them. Visit Settings> Data and storage usage>Storage usage to see the list of people or groups you message the most.