WhatsApp messaging service on Wednesday outlined steps, including a change that would clearly mark forwarded messages, to curb the spread of rumours on its platform. It was responding to an Indian government call to help end a spate of deadly lynchings. “Like the government of India, we’re horrified by these terrible acts of violence and wanted to respond quickly to the very important issues you have raised. We believe this is a challenge that requires government, civil society and technology companies to work together,” WhatsApp said in its letter to the information technology ministry.
WhatsApp messaging service on Wednesday outlined steps, including a change that would clearly mark forwarded messages, to curb the spread of rumours on its platform. It was responding to an Indian government call to help end a spate of deadly lynchings. “Like the government of India, we’re horrified by these terrible acts of violence and wanted to respond quickly to the very important issues you have raised. We believe this is a challenge that requires government, civil society and technology companies to work together,” WhatsApp said in its letter to the information technology ministry.