Ever since apps like Telegram, YouTube and Twitter released a dark mode on their apps, users have started to look forward to the mode in other apps as if it were a necessity. Google too released a system-wide dark mode with Android Pie and is apparently working on the same for Android Q as well. WhatsApp is one of the apps that are currently working on offering that to its users.
The mode has made its way to the notifications settings, data, and storage settings, chats settings, and account settings. Notably, the tipster suggests that the new Dark Mode will not be as useful on OLED displays as it isn’t completely black, rather very dark grey in colour.
Further, in this update, WhatsApp is reportedly also testing Forwarding Info and Frequently Forwarded features, which will give users details about how many times the message has been forwarded.
Ever since apps like Telegram, YouTube and Twitter released a dark mode on their apps, users have started to look forward to the mode in other apps as if it were a necessity. Google too released a system-wide dark mode with Android Pie and is apparently working on the same for Android Q as well. WhatsApp is one of the apps that are currently working on offering that to its users.
The mode has made its way to the notifications settings, data, and storage settings, chats settings, and account settings. Notably, the tipster suggests that the new Dark Mode will not be as useful on OLED displays as it isn’t completely black, rather very dark grey in colour.
Further, in this update, WhatsApp is reportedly also testing Forwarding Info and Frequently Forwarded features, which will give users details about how many times the message has been forwarded.