The Calcutta High Court on Thursday stayed the process of the West Bengal panchayat elections till further orders and sought a detailed report on the same from the West Bengal State Election Commission by Monday. Justice Subrata Talukdar directed the poll panel to file a comprehensive status report on the poll process, including details of the number of nominations filed and the percentage of nominations rejected.
The court also said it would hear the pleas, challenging the poll panel’s decision to withdraw its April 9 notification which had extended the date for filing nominations by a day, on April 16. While the election commission had earlier extended the last date to file the nomination, it later recalled the order citing “legal” complexities. The move drew sharp criticism from the Opposition BJP and Left which alleged the panel had acted under government pressure.
The Calcutta High Court on Thursday stayed the process of the West Bengal panchayat elections till further orders and sought a detailed report on the same from the West Bengal State Election Commission by Monday. Justice Subrata Talukdar directed the poll panel to file a comprehensive status report on the poll process, including details of the number of nominations filed and the percentage of nominations rejected.
The court also said it would hear the pleas, challenging the poll panel’s decision to withdraw its April 9 notification which had extended the date for filing nominations by a day, on April 16. While the election commission had earlier extended the last date to file the nomination, it later recalled the order citing “legal” complexities. The move drew sharp criticism from the Opposition BJP and Left which alleged the panel had acted under government pressure.