Within eight hours of West Bengal Panchayat polls, 10 persons died and over 20 were injured after violence erupted across the state. Among those dead included a CPM supporter dead from Amdanga, North 24 Parganas, two TMC supporters dead -- one from Kultoli, South 24 Parganas and another from Nadia, a BJP supporter dead from Beldanga, Murshidabad, a supporter of an independent candidate dead in Murshidabad and One person dead from Shantipur whose political identity is not yet known.
Within eight hours of West Bengal Panchayat polls, 10 persons died and over 20 were injured after violence erupted across the state. Among those dead included a CPM supporter dead from Amdanga, North 24 Parganas, two TMC supporters dead -- one from Kultoli, South 24 Parganas and another from Nadia, a BJP supporter dead from Beldanga, Murshidabad, a supporter of an independent candidate dead in Murshidabad and One person dead from Shantipur whose political identity is not yet known.