PM Narendra Modi on Saturday visited the Kedarnath temple and offered prayers, a day after campaigning for the general election came to a close. After spending his morning in prayers and reviewing re-development projects in Kedarnath, PM Modi meditated at a holy cave near Kedarnath shrine in Uttarakhand.
Though Modi's visit to Kedarnath was described as “just a spiritual” trip by the local BJP unit, the widespread media coverage and heightened security suggested otherwise. Modi had shared images of the mountainous terrain on his personal Twitter account.
The Election Commission had granted permission for Modi's visit to Kedarnath and Badrinath but reminded the PMO the Model Code of Conduct was still in force.
PM Narendra Modi on Saturday visited the Kedarnath temple and offered prayers, a day after campaigning for the general election came to a close. After spending his morning in prayers and reviewing re-development projects in Kedarnath, PM Modi meditated at a holy cave near Kedarnath shrine in Uttarakhand.
Though Modi's visit to Kedarnath was described as “just a spiritual” trip by the local BJP unit, the widespread media coverage and heightened security suggested otherwise. Modi had shared images of the mountainous terrain on his personal Twitter account.
The Election Commission had granted permission for Modi's visit to Kedarnath and Badrinath but reminded the PMO the Model Code of Conduct was still in force.