BJP Bhopal Lok Sabha candidate Pragya Singh Thakur Thursday described Nathuram Godse, who killed Mahatma Gandhi, as a “patriot”, “Nathuram Godse was a deshbhakt (patriot), is a ‘deshbhakt’ and will remain a ‘deshbhakt’ and said those calling him a “terrorist” will be given a befitting reply when elections result will be declared.
Her statement was a reaction to the Hindu terrorist row stirred by actor-turned-politician Kamal Haasan where he said, "Independent India's first terrorist was a Hindu". Haasan's comments drew a sharp reaction from the state BJP, which slammed him for indulging in "divisive politics". Following the statement, an FIR was registered against Haasan for allegedly hurting religious sentiments.
BJP Bhopal Lok Sabha candidate Pragya Singh Thakur Thursday described Nathuram Godse, who killed Mahatma Gandhi, as a “patriot”, “Nathuram Godse was a deshbhakt (patriot), is a ‘deshbhakt’ and will remain a ‘deshbhakt’ and said those calling him a “terrorist” will be given a befitting reply when elections result will be declared.
Her statement was a reaction to the Hindu terrorist row stirred by actor-turned-politician Kamal Haasan where he said, "Independent India's first terrorist was a Hindu". Haasan's comments drew a sharp reaction from the state BJP, which slammed him for indulging in "divisive politics". Following the statement, an FIR was registered against Haasan for allegedly hurting religious sentiments.