Kangana Ranaut has found herself in yet another controversy. Kangana accused a journalist of running a smear campaign against her and for giving negative reviews to her previous film Manikarnika. The incident happened at the song launch of her upcoming film Judgemental Hai Kya in Mumbai, where the actress was with her co-star Rajkummar Rao. The Queen of Jhansi stating that the journalist was running a smear campaign against her.
Kangana said, "You are bashing my film Manikarnika. Have I made a mistake by making a film?" She added, "You are calling me a jingoistic person for making a film on nationalism." The journalist stood up for himself saying that what Kangana said was unfair and that she was intimidating him. The actress slammed back saying that she’s just being 'candid.'
Kangana said that she had an interview with the journalist in the past after which he personally texted her. The journalism however, kept on refusing stating that he never texted the actress.
Kangana Ranaut has found herself in yet another controversy. Kangana accused a journalist of running a smear campaign against her and for giving negative reviews to her previous film Manikarnika. The incident happened at the song launch of her upcoming film Judgemental Hai Kya in Mumbai, where the actress was with her co-star Rajkummar Rao. The Queen of Jhansi stating that the journalist was running a smear campaign against her.
Kangana said, "You are bashing my film Manikarnika. Have I made a mistake by making a film?" She added, "You are calling me a jingoistic person for making a film on nationalism." The journalist stood up for himself saying that what Kangana said was unfair and that she was intimidating him. The actress slammed back saying that she’s just being 'candid.'
Kangana said that she had an interview with the journalist in the past after which he personally texted her. The journalism however, kept on refusing stating that he never texted the actress.