In this video, the Government of India employee opens his car door to spit that pan on to the street. Spitting is a punishable offence but if Gujarat Gandhinagar government employee did not follow any rules then we can’t expect common people should follow too.
Seeking to provide legal backing to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's pet 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan', the government is drafting a law under which municipalities can punish those found spitting, urinating and throwing garbage in public places. Spitting is a punishable offence still government employee did not follow any rules.
Till now AMC issues more than 306 e- memos to those spitting in public.
In this video, the Government of India employee opens his car door to spit that pan on to the street. Spitting is a punishable offence but if Gujarat Gandhinagar government employee did not follow any rules then we can’t expect common people should follow too.
Seeking to provide legal backing to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's pet 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan', the government is drafting a law under which municipalities can punish those found spitting, urinating and throwing garbage in public places. Spitting is a punishable offence still government employee did not follow any rules.
Till now AMC issues more than 306 e- memos to those spitting in public.