Telecom service provider Vodafone Idea said it has decided to hike its prepaid tariffs in the range of 20-25 percent. The new rates will be effective from November 25. Accordingly, the lowest plan available on the operator's network will now be priced at Rs 99 instead of Rs 79 earlier. The lowest plan bundled with a per day 1 GB data limit with 28 days validity will now cost Rs 269 from November 25 onwards. Currently, it costs Rs 219.
Further, the price of 84 days validity plan with 1.5 GB per day data limit will cost Rs 719 instead of Rs 599. The 365 days plan with 1.5 GB per day data limit will go up by 20.8 per cent to Rs 2,899.
Telecom service provider Vodafone Idea said it has decided to hike its prepaid tariffs in the range of 20-25 percent. The new rates will be effective from November 25. Accordingly, the lowest plan available on the operator's network will now be priced at Rs 99 instead of Rs 79 earlier. The lowest plan bundled with a per day 1 GB data limit with 28 days validity will now cost Rs 269 from November 25 onwards. Currently, it costs Rs 219.
Further, the price of 84 days validity plan with 1.5 GB per day data limit will cost Rs 719 instead of Rs 599. The 365 days plan with 1.5 GB per day data limit will go up by 20.8 per cent to Rs 2,899.