Chinese smartphone maker Vivo has expanded its product portfolio with the launch of a new handset. Dubbed Y66, the smartphone is priced at Rs 14,990 and will be available across all mobile stores starting Monday. The Vivo Y66 features a 5.5-inch HD display of 720x1280 pixel resolution and is powered by an octa-core 64-bit processor, paired with 3GB of RAM. There's also 32GB of internal storage, with support for microSD cards of up to 256GB in size.
Chinese smartphone maker Vivo has expanded its product portfolio with the launch of a new handset. Dubbed Y66, the smartphone is priced at Rs 14,990 and will be available across all mobile stores starting Monday. The Vivo Y66 features a 5.5-inch HD display of 720x1280 pixel resolution and is powered by an octa-core 64-bit processor, paired with 3GB of RAM. There's also 32GB of internal storage, with support for microSD cards of up to 256GB in size.