FURTHER ORDER DATED 26.4.2017 VIPUL CHAUDHRI Learned advocate Mr. C. P. Champaneri for the petitioner is requesting to stay the implementation ofthis judgment, whereby petition has been dismissedsubmitting that interim relief is granted in favour ofthe petitioner since 30.01.2017. However, I do not find any substance in such submission for the reasons recorded in this petitionitself, which goes to show that, in fact, it is theduty of the petitioner being Chairman of the societyto find out and to help the administration to recoverthe loss that has occurred to the society during his administration. It cannot be ignored that so far aspresent petition is concerned, loss to such society isRs.42 Crores and it cannot be further ignored that infact there is huge loss of Rs.717 Crores as pointedout in Special Civil Application No.6089 of 2017, and therefore, probably total scam may be around Rs.1000 Crores.In view of above, interim relief cannot beextended for a single day. Therefore, request isrejected.
FURTHER ORDER DATED 26.4.2017 VIPUL CHAUDHRI Learned advocate Mr. C. P. Champaneri for the petitioner is requesting to stay the implementation ofthis judgment, whereby petition has been dismissedsubmitting that interim relief is granted in favour ofthe petitioner since 30.01.2017. However, I do not find any substance in such submission for the reasons recorded in this petitionitself, which goes to show that, in fact, it is theduty of the petitioner being Chairman of the societyto find out and to help the administration to recoverthe loss that has occurred to the society during his administration. It cannot be ignored that so far aspresent petition is concerned, loss to such society isRs.42 Crores and it cannot be further ignored that infact there is huge loss of Rs.717 Crores as pointedout in Special Civil Application No.6089 of 2017, and therefore, probably total scam may be around Rs.1000 Crores.In view of above, interim relief cannot beextended for a single day. Therefore, request isrejected.