Veteran Telugu director-actor Dasari Narayana Rao passed away on Tuesday in Hyderabad at the age of 75 after prolonged illness. The two-time National Award-winning filmmaker has directed over 140 films. He is known for films like 'Premabhishekam', 'Meghasandesham', 'Osey Ramulamma' and 'Tata Manavadu'. Notably, Dasari is said to hold the record for directing the most number of films.
Veteran Telugu director-actor Dasari Narayana Rao passed away on Tuesday in Hyderabad at the age of 75 after prolonged illness. The two-time National Award-winning filmmaker has directed over 140 films. He is known for films like 'Premabhishekam', 'Meghasandesham', 'Osey Ramulamma' and 'Tata Manavadu'. Notably, Dasari is said to hold the record for directing the most number of films.