Famous Bollywood and TV actor Yusuf Hussain has passed away. He was 73 years old. It is learned that he died due to corona. Yusuf Hussain has played notable roles in many movies and series. Yusuf Hussain had acted in movies like 'Vivah', 'Dhoom 2', 'Khoya Khoya Chand', 'Crazy Kakkad Family' and 'Road to Sangam'. News of Yusuf Hussain's death has sent shockwaves through the industry. Many celebrities like Abhishek Bachchan, Manoj Bajpayee, Pooja Bhatt have tweeted tributes.
Famous Bollywood and TV actor Yusuf Hussain has passed away. He was 73 years old. It is learned that he died due to corona. Yusuf Hussain has played notable roles in many movies and series. Yusuf Hussain had acted in movies like 'Vivah', 'Dhoom 2', 'Khoya Khoya Chand', 'Crazy Kakkad Family' and 'Road to Sangam'. News of Yusuf Hussain's death has sent shockwaves through the industry. Many celebrities like Abhishek Bachchan, Manoj Bajpayee, Pooja Bhatt have tweeted tributes.