Uttar Pradesh topped the list of states with maximum communal violence incidents in the country last year, the Lok Sabha was informed on Wednesday. Union Minister of State for Home Hansraj Gangaram Ahir said 822 communal incidents took place in the country in 2017, whereas as many as 703 such incidents occurred in 2016 and 751 incidents in 2015.
Among the states where the highest number of such cases took place in 2017 include Uttar Pradesh (195 incidents) followed by Karnataka (100), Rajasthan (91), Bihar (85), Madhya Pradesh (60) besides others, he said in reply to a written question. In 2016 also, the highest number of communal violence cases was reported from Uttar Pradesh (162 incidents) followed by Karnataka (101), Maharashtra (68), Bihar (65), Rajasthan (63) among others.
Uttar Pradesh topped the list of states with maximum communal violence incidents in the country last year, the Lok Sabha was informed on Wednesday. Union Minister of State for Home Hansraj Gangaram Ahir said 822 communal incidents took place in the country in 2017, whereas as many as 703 such incidents occurred in 2016 and 751 incidents in 2015.
Among the states where the highest number of such cases took place in 2017 include Uttar Pradesh (195 incidents) followed by Karnataka (100), Rajasthan (91), Bihar (85), Madhya Pradesh (60) besides others, he said in reply to a written question. In 2016 also, the highest number of communal violence cases was reported from Uttar Pradesh (162 incidents) followed by Karnataka (101), Maharashtra (68), Bihar (65), Rajasthan (63) among others.