One gangster was killed and 24 criminals were arrested in 15 police encounters across Uttar Pradesh in the past two days, a police spokesperson told PTI. Inderpal, a wanted gangster who carried a reward of Rs 25,000, was gunned down by the Special Task Force in the encounter in Naglakhepad jungle on Friday. Superintendent of Police (STF) Rajiv Narain Singh said Inderpal was wanted in more than 30 cases of loot and murder in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
“As many as 24 wanted criminals were arrested and one gangster killed in 15 police encounters reported from 10 districts of the state over a span of 48 hours,” the spokesperson was quoted as saying by PTI. The 10 districts where the encounters took place are – Bulandshahr, Shamli, Kanpur, Saharanpur, Lucknow, Baghpat, Muzaffarnagar, Gorkahpur, Hapur and Meerut. According to the police, country-made arms, ammunition, motorcycle, cars and cash robbed by the criminals was recovered.
One gangster was killed and 24 criminals were arrested in 15 police encounters across Uttar Pradesh in the past two days, a police spokesperson told PTI. Inderpal, a wanted gangster who carried a reward of Rs 25,000, was gunned down by the Special Task Force in the encounter in Naglakhepad jungle on Friday. Superintendent of Police (STF) Rajiv Narain Singh said Inderpal was wanted in more than 30 cases of loot and murder in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
“As many as 24 wanted criminals were arrested and one gangster killed in 15 police encounters reported from 10 districts of the state over a span of 48 hours,” the spokesperson was quoted as saying by PTI. The 10 districts where the encounters took place are – Bulandshahr, Shamli, Kanpur, Saharanpur, Lucknow, Baghpat, Muzaffarnagar, Gorkahpur, Hapur and Meerut. According to the police, country-made arms, ammunition, motorcycle, cars and cash robbed by the criminals was recovered.