Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday said that his government was committed to establishing the rule of law and claimed that there were "no communal clashes" in the state in the past eight months. Under previous state governments, there were "riots every week" and they also failed to nab the rioters, the chief minister said addressing a public meeting here ahead of the local body polls.
"In the past eight months, there have been no communal clashes in the state. When the BJP came to power, there was anarchy and 'gunda raj' in Uttar Pradesh," he said.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday said that his government was committed to establishing the rule of law and claimed that there were "no communal clashes" in the state in the past eight months. Under previous state governments, there were "riots every week" and they also failed to nab the rioters, the chief minister said addressing a public meeting here ahead of the local body polls.
"In the past eight months, there have been no communal clashes in the state. When the BJP came to power, there was anarchy and 'gunda raj' in Uttar Pradesh," he said.