After 24 girls, who were allegedly sexually exploited, were rescued from a shelter home in a town in eastern Uttar Pradesh, the Yogi Adityanath-led government on Monday directed the district magistrates to inspect and survey similar homes across 75 districts in the next 12 hours. A couple who were managers at the shelter home and its superintendent were arrested on Sunday after one of the girls escaped and alerted the police about the alleged sexual exploitation at the shelter home. “Many times white, black and red cars used to come and take away the girls. When they returned in the morning, they used to cry,” the girl alleged.
After 24 girls, who were allegedly sexually exploited, were rescued from a shelter home in a town in eastern Uttar Pradesh, the Yogi Adityanath-led government on Monday directed the district magistrates to inspect and survey similar homes across 75 districts in the next 12 hours. A couple who were managers at the shelter home and its superintendent were arrested on Sunday after one of the girls escaped and alerted the police about the alleged sexual exploitation at the shelter home. “Many times white, black and red cars used to come and take away the girls. When they returned in the morning, they used to cry,” the girl alleged.