Dreaded gangster Munna Bajrangi has been shot dead inside the district jail in Baghpat in Uttar Pradesh. He was reportedly shot dead by another convict, Sunil Rathi, lodged in the jail. This comes on a day when Munna Bajrangi was slated to be produced before a court in Baghpat. On Sunday, the Uttar Pradesh gangster, accused in the murder of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Krishnanand Rai, was transferred from Jhansi to Baghpat. Reacting to the incident, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath ordered judicial inquiry and suspension of the jailor. He said, "Such an incident occurring inside jail premises is a serious matter. We will conduct an in-depth investigation and strict action will be taken against those responsible."
Dreaded gangster Munna Bajrangi has been shot dead inside the district jail in Baghpat in Uttar Pradesh. He was reportedly shot dead by another convict, Sunil Rathi, lodged in the jail. This comes on a day when Munna Bajrangi was slated to be produced before a court in Baghpat. On Sunday, the Uttar Pradesh gangster, accused in the murder of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Krishnanand Rai, was transferred from Jhansi to Baghpat. Reacting to the incident, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath ordered judicial inquiry and suspension of the jailor. He said, "Such an incident occurring inside jail premises is a serious matter. We will conduct an in-depth investigation and strict action will be taken against those responsible."