Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut announced on Saturday announced that Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray will visit Ayodhya on March 7. "Chale Ayodhya," Raut said in a tweet. This will be Thackeray's first visit to Ayodhya after becoming the state chief minister. He was sworn in as the CM on November 28, 2019. Thackeray will offer prayers to Ram Lalla in Ayodhya and perform 'aarti' on the banks of river Sarayu.
Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut announced on Saturday announced that Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray will visit Ayodhya on March 7. "Chale Ayodhya," Raut said in a tweet. This will be Thackeray's first visit to Ayodhya after becoming the state chief minister. He was sworn in as the CM on November 28, 2019. Thackeray will offer prayers to Ram Lalla in Ayodhya and perform 'aarti' on the banks of river Sarayu.