New mommy on the block, Kareena Kapoor Khan may be taking it easy after the arrival of baby Taimur, but the actress will soon bounce back into action. According to reports, Kareena will kickstart the shoot of 'Veere Di Wedding' in May. 'Veere Di Wedding' is Rhea Kapoor's ambitious chick flick, which also stars Sonam Kapoor, Swara Bhaskar and Shikha Talsania. The film was originally meant to go on floors in March, but now it will reportedly roll in May.
New mommy on the block, Kareena Kapoor Khan may be taking it easy after the arrival of baby Taimur, but the actress will soon bounce back into action. According to reports, Kareena will kickstart the shoot of 'Veere Di Wedding' in May. 'Veere Di Wedding' is Rhea Kapoor's ambitious chick flick, which also stars Sonam Kapoor, Swara Bhaskar and Shikha Talsania. The film was originally meant to go on floors in March, but now it will reportedly roll in May.