Hindi film actress, Madhuri Dixit- Nene enthrall the audiences with her dancing skills and acting in Hindi films. However, now the 50-year-old actress is all set to make her debut in Marathi Cinema with her upcoming film, Bucket List. Helmed by Tejas Prabha Vijay Deoskar, the film also stars Renuka Shahane and Sumeet Raghavan in pivotal roles. The actress took to her Instagram account to share the film’s teaser, which released earlier today. She captioned it, “Hey guys here is the teaser of my first Marathi film @bucketlist_film @tejasprabhavijaydeoskar @darmotionpictures @bluemustangcreations @darkhorsecinemas.” In the teaser, we are introduced to Madhuri’s on screen character, Madhura Sane — a perfect wife, mother and homemaker. She, like many of us, has her own bucket list and wishes to fulfill every wish on it. The films comes across as a narrative that each one of us will be able to connect to.
Hindi film actress, Madhuri Dixit- Nene enthrall the audiences with her dancing skills and acting in Hindi films. However, now the 50-year-old actress is all set to make her debut in Marathi Cinema with her upcoming film, Bucket List. Helmed by Tejas Prabha Vijay Deoskar, the film also stars Renuka Shahane and Sumeet Raghavan in pivotal roles. The actress took to her Instagram account to share the film’s teaser, which released earlier today. She captioned it, “Hey guys here is the teaser of my first Marathi film @bucketlist_film @tejasprabhavijaydeoskar @darmotionpictures @bluemustangcreations @darkhorsecinemas.” In the teaser, we are introduced to Madhuri’s on screen character, Madhura Sane — a perfect wife, mother and homemaker. She, like many of us, has her own bucket list and wishes to fulfill every wish on it. The films comes across as a narrative that each one of us will be able to connect to.