In a shocking incident reported from Telangana, TRS MLA Kova Lakshmi was recorded saying at an event on 15th November that people who hold Bharatiya Janata Party flags will not be given facilities provided by the state government. Saidabad TRS MLA Kova Lakshmi believes that those who don’t support the ruling party, will have to suffer and have no right over the government schemes. “People who hold BJP flags, will not be given double bedroom houses (under government scheme),” she was quoted saying by ANI in Asifabad, Telangana, citing an unverified source.
In a shocking incident reported from Telangana, TRS MLA Kova Lakshmi was recorded saying at an event on 15th November that people who hold Bharatiya Janata Party flags will not be given facilities provided by the state government. Saidabad TRS MLA Kova Lakshmi believes that those who don’t support the ruling party, will have to suffer and have no right over the government schemes. “People who hold BJP flags, will not be given double bedroom houses (under government scheme),” she was quoted saying by ANI in Asifabad, Telangana, citing an unverified source.