Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with Governor E.S.L. Narasimhan, Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao, Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri and others went on a metro rail ride from the Miyapur metro station to Kukatpally metro station and back for a distance of about 12 km to signal the launch of the much awaited public transport service on Tuesday. Earlier, the Prime Minister witnessed a few promotional films explaining about the salient features of the unique public, private partnership project where L&TMRH is investing up to Rs. 12,764 crore of the total project cost of Rs.14,123 crore with the Centre chipping in with viability gap funding of Rs.1258 crore. L&TMRH will be running the system for 35 years and this can be extended for a further 25 years as per the Concessionnaire Agreement.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with Governor E.S.L. Narasimhan, Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao, Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri and others went on a metro rail ride from the Miyapur metro station to Kukatpally metro station and back for a distance of about 12 km to signal the launch of the much awaited public transport service on Tuesday. Earlier, the Prime Minister witnessed a few promotional films explaining about the salient features of the unique public, private partnership project where L&TMRH is investing up to Rs. 12,764 crore of the total project cost of Rs.14,123 crore with the Centre chipping in with viability gap funding of Rs.1258 crore. L&TMRH will be running the system for 35 years and this can be extended for a further 25 years as per the Concessionnaire Agreement.