Around 1,000 government officials will travel to Israel to study farming techniques, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said in the Assembly on Thursday, drawing allegations of public money wastage by the Opposition. "In Telangana, there are 1,000 agriculture officers. We will send them in batches of 100 to Israel to receive training in various farming techniques that can be replicated in the state. They will study micro-irrigation technique and receive training that will benefit the state and ensure high productivity," the CM said. Criticising the ‘junket’, Telangana BJP spokesperson Krishna Sagar Rao accused the government of “splurging money”. "This is yet another case of splurging of public funds by KCR and we oppose this. What is the need of sending 1,000 officers? This will cost Rs 30 crore. Why not invite experts from Israel and have the officials receive training here. The farmers in the state need loan waiver and compensation, which the government has failed in providing.”
Around 1,000 government officials will travel to Israel to study farming techniques, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said in the Assembly on Thursday, drawing allegations of public money wastage by the Opposition. "In Telangana, there are 1,000 agriculture officers. We will send them in batches of 100 to Israel to receive training in various farming techniques that can be replicated in the state. They will study micro-irrigation technique and receive training that will benefit the state and ensure high productivity," the CM said. Criticising the ‘junket’, Telangana BJP spokesperson Krishna Sagar Rao accused the government of “splurging money”. "This is yet another case of splurging of public funds by KCR and we oppose this. What is the need of sending 1,000 officers? This will cost Rs 30 crore. Why not invite experts from Israel and have the officials receive training here. The farmers in the state need loan waiver and compensation, which the government has failed in providing.”