Telangana BJP MLA T Raja Singh Lodh said tonight that he has tendered his resignation to the party, alleging that it was not providing any support for 'gau raksha' (cow protection). Singh, who represents Goshamahal constituency in the Assembly, said in a video message posted on a social networking site that he has forwarded his resignation letter to Telangana BJP president K Laxman. "For me Hindu dharma and cow protection are priorities, and politics comes later. For 'gau raksha', I have resigned from the BJP. I brought up the issue in the Assembly many times, but the party did not provide any support," he said.
Telangana BJP MLA T Raja Singh Lodh said tonight that he has tendered his resignation to the party, alleging that it was not providing any support for 'gau raksha' (cow protection). Singh, who represents Goshamahal constituency in the Assembly, said in a video message posted on a social networking site that he has forwarded his resignation letter to Telangana BJP president K Laxman. "For me Hindu dharma and cow protection are priorities, and politics comes later. For 'gau raksha', I have resigned from the BJP. I brought up the issue in the Assembly many times, but the party did not provide any support," he said.