Information technology major Tech Mahindra has filed three cases against Reliance Communications and two of its subsidiaries in the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), Mint reported on Friday.
The petitions are yet to be admitted and the cases will be heard on October 9. According to copies of the petitions reviewed by the newspaper, Reliance Communications and its two subsidiaries Reliance Telecom and Reliance Big TV owe Tech Mahindra Rs 3.6 crore, Rs 3 crore and Rs 1.5 crore, respectively.
Information technology major Tech Mahindra has filed three cases against Reliance Communications and two of its subsidiaries in the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), Mint reported on Friday.
The petitions are yet to be admitted and the cases will be heard on October 9. According to copies of the petitions reviewed by the newspaper, Reliance Communications and its two subsidiaries Reliance Telecom and Reliance Big TV owe Tech Mahindra Rs 3.6 crore, Rs 3 crore and Rs 1.5 crore, respectively.