India’s largest IT services firm Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS) on Wednesday said it has expanded operations in Florida, US, with over 430 employees joining the company as part of its deal with Transamerica. TCS had in January signed an over $2 billion deal with Transamerica to administer the latter’s life insurance, annuity, supplemental health insurance, and workplace voluntary benefits products. It covered managing administration of more than 10 million policies. More than 430 former Transamerica employees now work for TCS at this new St Petersburg facility (in Florida) as part of recruiting and investing in more than 2,200 Transamerica jobs across the US in multiple locations, the Indian software services giant said in a statement.
India’s largest IT services firm Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS) on Wednesday said it has expanded operations in Florida, US, with over 430 employees joining the company as part of its deal with Transamerica. TCS had in January signed an over $2 billion deal with Transamerica to administer the latter’s life insurance, annuity, supplemental health insurance, and workplace voluntary benefits products. It covered managing administration of more than 10 million policies. More than 430 former Transamerica employees now work for TCS at this new St Petersburg facility (in Florida) as part of recruiting and investing in more than 2,200 Transamerica jobs across the US in multiple locations, the Indian software services giant said in a statement.