External affairs minister Sushma Swaraj said on Saturday she has sought a report from the Indian Embassy in the US following reports of an attack on a Sikh schoolboy in a city in Washington. “I have seen news reports about the beating of a Sikh boy in US. I have asked @IndianEmbassyUS to send me a report on the incident,” Sushma Swaraj tweeted.
The 14-year-old boy was beaten up by a classmate in Kent city, with his father claiming that the victim was targeted as he is of Indian descent, the media reported. The incident happened on October 26, less than a block from Kentridge High School, where both the boys are students, KIRO-TV reported.
External affairs minister Sushma Swaraj said on Saturday she has sought a report from the Indian Embassy in the US following reports of an attack on a Sikh schoolboy in a city in Washington. “I have seen news reports about the beating of a Sikh boy in US. I have asked @IndianEmbassyUS to send me a report on the incident,” Sushma Swaraj tweeted.
The 14-year-old boy was beaten up by a classmate in Kent city, with his father claiming that the victim was targeted as he is of Indian descent, the media reported. The incident happened on October 26, less than a block from Kentridge High School, where both the boys are students, KIRO-TV reported.