The Supreme Court on Wednesday set aside the order of the Gujarat High Court granting 14-day furlough to rape convict Narayan Sai, son of self-styled godman Asaram Bapu. A bench of Justices DY Chandrachud and BV Nagarathna allowed the appeal of the Gujarat government challenging the June 24 order of the high court granting furlough to Sai.
The top court said that furlough is not an absolute right and it depends on various factors. It said the jail superintendent has given a negative opinion for grant of furlough to Sai as a mobile phone was found from his cell
The Supreme Court on Wednesday set aside the order of the Gujarat High Court granting 14-day furlough to rape convict Narayan Sai, son of self-styled godman Asaram Bapu. A bench of Justices DY Chandrachud and BV Nagarathna allowed the appeal of the Gujarat government challenging the June 24 order of the high court granting furlough to Sai.
The top court said that furlough is not an absolute right and it depends on various factors. It said the jail superintendent has given a negative opinion for grant of furlough to Sai as a mobile phone was found from his cell