After months of Snapdeal being a buy-out target in the volatile e-commerce market, sources close to the development have told Business Standard that the deal has not progressed, as Bengaluru-based Flipkart hasn’t yet got access to the financial books and key data related to the Kunal Bahl-led firm. But, things could possibly change, as the Snapdeal board is set to meet this week in a bid to clear the roadblocks for the biggest consolidation in the sector, it is learnt.
After months of Snapdeal being a buy-out target in the volatile e-commerce market, sources close to the development have told Business Standard that the deal has not progressed, as Bengaluru-based Flipkart hasn’t yet got access to the financial books and key data related to the Kunal Bahl-led firm. But, things could possibly change, as the Snapdeal board is set to meet this week in a bid to clear the roadblocks for the biggest consolidation in the sector, it is learnt.