Union Minister and BJP leader Smriti Irani files her nomination from Amethi parliamentary constituency. She will contest against Congress President Rahul Gandhi. Irani had contested against Gandhi in Amethi in 2014, and lost by 1.07 lakh votes.
The Bharatiya Janata Party leader performed a puja earlier on Thursday before visiting Amethi District Magistrate Ram Manohar Mishra to file her nomination papers. Irani’s husband Zubin accompanied her for the ceremony.
Voting will be held in Amethi during the fifth phase of Lok Sabha elections on May 6. Results for all the seven phases will be declared on May 23.
Union Minister and BJP leader Smriti Irani files her nomination from Amethi parliamentary constituency. She will contest against Congress President Rahul Gandhi. Irani had contested against Gandhi in Amethi in 2014, and lost by 1.07 lakh votes.
The Bharatiya Janata Party leader performed a puja earlier on Thursday before visiting Amethi District Magistrate Ram Manohar Mishra to file her nomination papers. Irani’s husband Zubin accompanied her for the ceremony.
Voting will be held in Amethi during the fifth phase of Lok Sabha elections on May 6. Results for all the seven phases will be declared on May 23.