Madhya Pradesh former Chief Minister Shivraj Chouhan called for a CBI enquiry in the abduction and murder of twins. Chouhan visited the Chitrakoot town in Satna district to meet the family whose twin sons, 5-year-old Shreyansh and Priyansh were murdered brutally by kidnappers, despite getting Rs 20 lakh ransom.
As on February 12, five-year-old twins of a businessman were abducted at a gunpoint from their school bus within their campus in Chitrakoot.
Madhya Pradesh former Chief Minister Shivraj Chouhan called for a CBI enquiry in the abduction and murder of twins. Chouhan visited the Chitrakoot town in Satna district to meet the family whose twin sons, 5-year-old Shreyansh and Priyansh were murdered brutally by kidnappers, despite getting Rs 20 lakh ransom.
As on February 12, five-year-old twins of a businessman were abducted at a gunpoint from their school bus within their campus in Chitrakoot.