Domestic equity market benchmarks BSE Sensex and Nifty 50 ended at record closing highs on Thursday, a day of weekly F&O expiry. BSE Sensex jumped 418 points to end above 59,100 mark for the first time at 59,141. Nifty 50 index ended at 17,629.50, rising 110.5 points or 0.63 per cent. IndusInd Bank and ITC shares were top performers, gaining 7 per cent each, followed by State Bank of India (SBI), Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL), Kotak Mahindra Bank, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, Bajaj-Auto, HDFC Bank. On the flip side, TCS stock fell the most. Stocks such as Tech Mahindra, Tata Steel, Bharti Airtel, HCL Tech, Dr Reddy’s Lab, Infosys, Titan Company were top Sensex losers.
Domestic equity market benchmarks BSE Sensex and Nifty 50 ended at record closing highs on Thursday, a day of weekly F&O expiry. BSE Sensex jumped 418 points to end above 59,100 mark for the first time at 59,141. Nifty 50 index ended at 17,629.50, rising 110.5 points or 0.63 per cent. IndusInd Bank and ITC shares were top performers, gaining 7 per cent each, followed by State Bank of India (SBI), Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL), Kotak Mahindra Bank, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, Bajaj-Auto, HDFC Bank. On the flip side, TCS stock fell the most. Stocks such as Tech Mahindra, Tata Steel, Bharti Airtel, HCL Tech, Dr Reddy’s Lab, Infosys, Titan Company were top Sensex losers.