Domestic equity market benchmarks BSE Sensex and Nifty 50 closed with losses on Wednesday, a day ahead of the monthly futures and options expiry. S&P BSE Sensex recovered from intra-day lows and closed 254 points or 0.43% lower at 59,4113. NSE Nifty 50 turned positive during the day but failed to hold gains and closed 37 points or .21% lower at 17,711 points. Bank Nifty ended 0.53% lower as private bank stocks traded with losses.
Domestic equity market benchmarks BSE Sensex and Nifty 50 closed with losses on Wednesday, a day ahead of the monthly futures and options expiry. S&P BSE Sensex recovered from intra-day lows and closed 254 points or 0.43% lower at 59,4113. NSE Nifty 50 turned positive during the day but failed to hold gains and closed 37 points or .21% lower at 17,711 points. Bank Nifty ended 0.53% lower as private bank stocks traded with losses.