India’s benchmark stock index BSE Sensex to hit the much-anticipated 100,000 at some point in late 2026, expects Christopher Wood, global head of equity strategy at Jefferies. Wood said his target is assuming a trend of 15 per cent EPS growth and is on a five-year view. Although Chris Wood said that his target for the benchmark index may seem as an “aggressive assumption", he added that it “is now eminently achievable on a five-year view assuming a trend 15 per cent EPS growth and that a five-year average multiple of 19.4 is maintained".
India should be the prime object of focus of growth-oriented equity, he said adding that he will maintain the domestic demand focus in his long-only India portfolio. Currently, the Sensex is at 58,669 points, implying that it could rise as much as 70 per cent in the next five years or in other words clock an annual rate of 11 per cent.