Senior BJD leader and Former Minister Raghunath Mohanty joined BJP at the Saffron party’s Odisha headquarters in Bhubaneshwar. Raghunath joined the BJP at party’s Mishrana Parba in presence of Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, party’s national vice-president Baijayant ‘Jay’ Panda and several other senior leaders. Raghunath is most likely to be fielded from Basta Assembly constituency by the BJP.
Senior BJD leader and Former Minister Raghunath Mohanty joined BJP at the Saffron party’s Odisha headquarters in Bhubaneshwar. Raghunath joined the BJP at party’s Mishrana Parba in presence of Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, party’s national vice-president Baijayant ‘Jay’ Panda and several other senior leaders. Raghunath is most likely to be fielded from Basta Assembly constituency by the BJP.