Section 144 was imposed in the Delhi's Shaheen Bagh area on Sunday even though the Hindu Sena had yesterday called off a protest calling for clearing the blocked road. As a precautionary measure, police presence also surged at Shaheen Bagh. "People are informed that Section 144 of CRCP has been imposed at Shaheen Bagh and it is requested that permission for any gathering is not allowed. Violation of this may invite legal proceedings," said the Delhi Police directive.
Section 144 was imposed in the Delhi's Shaheen Bagh area on Sunday even though the Hindu Sena had yesterday called off a protest calling for clearing the blocked road. As a precautionary measure, police presence also surged at Shaheen Bagh. "People are informed that Section 144 of CRCP has been imposed at Shaheen Bagh and it is requested that permission for any gathering is not allowed. Violation of this may invite legal proceedings," said the Delhi Police directive.