The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has approved the National Stock Exchange’s (NSE’s) proposal to appoint Vikram Limaye as the latter’s managing director and chief executive officer (MD & CEO). This is on condition that he resign from the Supreme Court-appointed Committee of Administrators (CoA) to oversee the Board of Control for Cricket in India.
The approval was given on Wednesday. “The appointment will take effect from the date of joining,” said NSE spokesperson Divya Lahiri.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has approved the National Stock Exchange’s (NSE’s) proposal to appoint Vikram Limaye as the latter’s managing director and chief executive officer (MD & CEO). This is on condition that he resign from the Supreme Court-appointed Committee of Administrators (CoA) to oversee the Board of Control for Cricket in India.
The approval was given on Wednesday. “The appointment will take effect from the date of joining,” said NSE spokesperson Divya Lahiri.