Samsung has listed its latest Note 8 smartphone for pre-registration on its India website. The phone was launched in US last week at a price of $930, which roughly translates to Rs 59,500 but is yet to launch in India. With pre-registration on the Samsung website get latest updates about the device right to your mailbox/phone, including the notification as to when the phone will launch in India. As of now, rumours say Note 8 will be available for pre-booking from 11th September -- a day before Apple announced its new iPhones -- with shipping to begin likely to start on September 25th. There is no official word from the company on this yet. But the listing confirms that it will come to India.
Galaxy Note 8 comes with a stylus - the S Pen and this time around, there are dual cameras at the back, a Galaxy S8-like infinity display and latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chipset.
Samsung has listed its latest Note 8 smartphone for pre-registration on its India website. The phone was launched in US last week at a price of $930, which roughly translates to Rs 59,500 but is yet to launch in India. With pre-registration on the Samsung website get latest updates about the device right to your mailbox/phone, including the notification as to when the phone will launch in India. As of now, rumours say Note 8 will be available for pre-booking from 11th September -- a day before Apple announced its new iPhones -- with shipping to begin likely to start on September 25th. There is no official word from the company on this yet. But the listing confirms that it will come to India.
Galaxy Note 8 comes with a stylus - the S Pen and this time around, there are dual cameras at the back, a Galaxy S8-like infinity display and latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chipset.