Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan has recorded his statement with the Mumbai Police following the January 16 attack at his home. His statement was recorded by the team of Bandra Police on the evening of January 23 (Thursday).
The actor suffered stab injuries after an intruder entered his home for an apparent burglary. Khan recalled the incident, mentioning that he and his actress wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, were in their bedroom on the 11th floor of the Satguru Sharan building when they heard their younger son Jehangir's (Jeh) nanny scream.
Awakened by her screams, Khan and Kareena rushed to their son's room where they saw the alleged attacker. While the nanny, Eliyama Philips, was scared and screaming, Jeh was crying, Khan told the police.
Saif added he almost managed to stop the person, but in the meantime, the man attacked him with a knife. Afterwards, Saif regained control over the person. Somehow, Saif broke free from the attacker's grip and pushed him into the room.
The other workers in the house took Jeh out of the room and locked it. Everyone was shocked at how the attacker had entered the house. The accused had also attacked the nurse Eliyama Philip, and after returning from the hospital, the nurse informed Saif that the attacker had demanded Rs 1 crore.